8 point ACT CPD 2021 (ACTCPD)

Wisdom understands that to be successful in real estate it takes more than skills and experience. Success means different things to different people and if we have learnt anything from this last tumultuous year it’s that we need resilience to survive and thrive in the modern world of work (and life!) Wisdom’s final ACT CPD workshop will be delivered face to face and will help you develop skills and strategies to not only cope but grow through the challenges that many of us face in managing pressures, anxiety and the intensity of modern workplaces.  

Access Canberra Activity Based Working (ABW) (ACCCBRABW)


Access Canberra Cert IV Government Investigations (ACCERTIVGI)


Access Canberra Diploma of Government (ACCESSCDIPG)


Access Canberra Future Trainers Coaching (ACCESSC)


Access Canberra Return to Work (ACRTW)


Access Canberra Return to Work - Managers Workshop (RTWMAN)


ACIC Certificate IV in Government (ACICCIVG)


ACIC Digital Module - Personal Effectiveness (ACICPEFF)


ACIC Digital Module - Working in the Public Sector (ACICAPS)


ACIC Diploma of Government (ACICDipGov)


ACIC Diploma of Leadership and Management (ACICDipLM)


ACT CPD 2021 (8 point) (ACTCPDPM)

Wisdom understands that to be successful in real estate it takes more than skills and experience. Success means different things to different people and if we have learnt anything from this last tumultuous year it’s that we need resilience to survive and thrive in the modern world of work (and life!) Wisdom’s final ACT CPD workshop will be delivered face to face and will help you develop skills and strategies to not only cope but grow through the challenges that many of us face in managing pressures, anxiety and the intensity of modern workplaces.  

ACT CPD Behavioural Insights (4 point) (ACTCPDBI)

Traditional economics assumes that consumers make rational decisions but of course this is not so. BI reflects that, in reality, when making day-to-day decisions, consumers rarely behave in a well informed and fully rational way. BI provides insights and strategies to positively influence peoples’ decision-making, including choices of suppliers and purchasing. Learn how to apply behavioral insights in the Real Estate sector to build and strengthen your customer relationships in this half day workshop.   

ACT CPD Preparing for Legislation (8 point) (PLEG)

The modern world of real estate is constantly changing. It is critical that licensed agents and registered property managers stay on track and up-to-date with the relevant legislation and regulations in the ACT. This masterclass is for Property Managers looking to join discussions on the future of residential tenancies in the ACT, and gather ideas on how they can best support their agency.  

ACT CPD Supercharge your Personal Effectiveness (4 point) (ACTCPDSPE21)

In this face to face half day workshop you will explore a range of strategies, tools, resources and tips to further enhance your personal effectiveness. The workshop will show how tiny changes can achieve remarkable results! This workshop is for those real estate professionals who want to take their performance and output to the next level. If you are good, this workshop can help you become great! If you are already great, this workshop will provide the tools and tips for you to be exceptional!   

ACT Gambling and Racing Commission Approved GCO Annual Training Session (ACTGCO)


ACT Government Graduate Program (ACTGovGP)


ACT Licensing (ACTLIC)

This course provides participants with the skills, knowledge and qualification to meet the requirements for licensing in the ACT as detailed in the Agents Regulations Act 2003. It is designed specifically for those participants who have significant industry experience and/or a Certificate IV in Property Services (Real Estate) (CPP40307). This enables participants to achieve recognition for 14 units and attend training for the remaining 4 units required for licensing in the ACT. (Wisdom Learning RTO number 88062)  

ACT Real Estate Registration (ACTREG)

For those seeking a career in real estate in the ACT

This course provides participants with an introduction to the real estate industry and the roles of sales persons and property managers. Access Canberra requires Real Estate Salespersons and Property Managers to meet minimum education requirements for registration in the ACT. This course meets Access Canberra requirements.

Attorney General's Diploma of Government (AGDIPG)


Australian Border Force Readiness to Lead (ABFR2L21)


Benmax Leadership Development Program (BenmaxLead)


Cert IV in Property Services (Sales & Property Management) (CERTIVPSSPM)

Qualify to become a registered real estate sales person and/or property manager. This qualification provides participants who are new to the real estate industry with the skills and underpinning knowledge to perform the multifaceted role of a real estate salesperson and/or property manager. The Certificate IV in Property Services is suited for those looking to gain an overall understanding and skills in both sales and property management and/or those looking to commence work as a sales or property management assistant. The program is tailored to property services and industry requirements and the skills and knowledge needed to facilitate a direct workplace outcome in the ACT.

Certificate IV in Government Investigations - PUBLIC (CIVGOVINV)

The PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations is designed to build and develop the skills and knowledge required to plan, initiate, conduct and finalise an investigation in a government or regulatory compliance environment.  

Certificate IV in Property Services (Cert IV - PS)


Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice (CPP41419)


Client Specific ACT Real Estate Registration (ClSpRego)


Community Services Directorate - Supervisor Development Program 2020 (CSD)


Community Services Directorate - Supervisor Development Program 2021 (CSDSDP2)


CPP07 - Property Services Training Package (CPP07)


Dealing with Change (DWC)

Learn how to manage change in public sector work environments   

Decision Making for Senior Managers (DMSM)

Enhance your decision making skills within the public sector  

Decision Making within the Public Sector Context (DCPS)

Learn the essential skills required for making decisions in the public sector

Defence Change Management (DEFCHANGEMGT)


Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment Graduate Program 2021 (DeptAgEnviro21)


Diploma of Government Investigations (DIPGI)


Diploma of Leadership and Management - BSB50420 (DIPLM50420)


Diploma of Leadership and Management - Southern Innovations (DIPLMSI)


Diploma of Project Management BSB50820 (BSB50820)


Diploma of Training Design and Development (DTD&D)


DSSDipGov (DSSDipGov)


Edit and Enhance Writing in the Public Sector (EEWPS)

Often as people are promoted in the public service they find they have greater responsibility for editing other people’s writing and ensuring it hits the mark. This is a vitally important role which allows you to add value to the writing and make sure it achieves its strategic purpose. However, that only works if you know what you are doing – and that’s much harder than it sounds!   

Effective Writing for Government (EWG)

Effective Writing for Government will equip you with the strategies, skills and techniques to ensure your writing hits the mark and clearly communicates your messages. Whether you tend to write emails, lengthy reports, or anything else in between, it can be difficult to ensure your writing achieves the outcomes you need and is in keeping with public sector guidelines.   

E-Learning ACT E-CPD Behavioural Insights (4 point) (ECPDBI)

Traditional economics assumes that consumers make rational decisions but of course this is not so. BI reflects that, in reality, when making day-to-day decisions, consumers rarely behave in a well informed and fully rational way.   

E-Learning ACT E-CPD Legislation Recharge (8 point) (ECPDLEG8)

The modern world of real estate is constantly changing. It is critical that licensed agents and registered salespersons stay up-to-date not only with the relevant legislation and regulations in the ACT but also work health and safety, consumer  and privacy legislation. 


Facilitation (FAC)

Examples: planning days, strategy sessions


Free South Coast Real Estate Workshop (FreeSouthCoast)


General Rego Link Client Specific (GREGCS)


Home Affairs Diploma of Government (HADIPGOV)


InvestigativeMindset (InvMind)


Leadership and Management (L&M)

Examples: Personal Effectiveness, Time Management


Level Up Your Leadership (Levelup)

The continued impact of COVID-19 is probably presenting new and ongoing challenges to how you manage and lead your people. Current and future managers will need to be able to respond and proactively lead through disruptions, turning challenges into opportunities for positive change. 

This will require a level up in thinking, mindset, engagement practices, leading people and performance. A level up in Leadership. 

Wisdom is offering a FREE 1-hour Masterclass entitled 'Level up your Leadership'.

17 Feb 2022 - NOW FULL!

If the session you are trying to enrol in is full, please click the enquire button or email service@wisdomlearning.com.au. The meeting joining link will be sent through 3 days prior.  

NAB Certificate IV in Government Investigations 2024 (NABCertIV24)

Updated 2024 version  

NAWIC Mentor Program (NAWICMent)


NSW Assistant Agent CPD (NSWCPDASS)

As of March 2020 individuals who are an Assistant Agent (Real Estate) must complete 3 units of competency, as a minimum, from the Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice(CPP41419) for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) each year between the period of 23 March 2020 to 22 March 2021 and they must complete this qualification within four years.    



Questacon Leadershift Program (QuestLead)


Services Australia - Investigation Skills (SAIS)


Services Australia - Working in the Public Sector (SAWPS)


Services Australia Certificate IV Government Investigations (SACERTIVGOVINV)


Services Australia Digital Modules (SADIG)


Services Australia Diploma of Government Investigations (SADIPGOVINV)


TCCS Operational Frontline Management and Capability Program 23/24 (TCCSOFLMCP)


TCCS Operational Frontline Management Program (TCCSFRONT)


Vantage Team Development Program (VantageTeam)


Workplace Writing – The Ins and Outs of Doing it Better (WWIO)

Workplace Writing – The Ins and Outs of Doing it Better is all about improving the quality of your writing and ensuring it achieves its purpose. The workshop explores ways you can target your audience, achieve a good tone in your writing and make sure it is easily understood. It also gives you tips and insights for writing effective emails and short documents.  

Workplace Writing Fundamentals (WWF)

Lift the quality of your writing with practical and easy-to-apply tips. This workshop is designed for anyone in the public or private sectors who wants to improve their fundamental writing skills.   

Certificate IV in Government Investigations (PSP40416)

Client Specific

Develop transferable skills to build your career in investigations.

The PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations is designed to build and develop the skills and knowledge required to plan, initiate, conduct and finalise an investigation in a government or regulatory compliance environment.  

Certificate IV in Government Investigations (PSP40416)

Develop transferable skills to build your career in investigations.

The PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations is designed to build and develop the skills and knowledge required to plan, initiate, conduct and finalise an investigation in a government or regulatory compliance environment.  

Certificate IV in Government Investigations (PSP40416)



Certificate IV in Government Investigations (PSP40416)



Certificate IV in Government Investigations (PSP40416)

TCCS 2024


Certificate IV in Intelligence Operations (DEF40217)



Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB40520)

Client Specific


Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB40520)



Certificate IV in Leadership and Management (BSB40520)



Diploma of Government (PSP50122)

Enhance your career in the public sector

The program is designed to help today’s and tomorrow’s managers who are seeking to advance their knowledge of contemporary public service, as well as leading practice management skills, innovation, personal productivity and people engagement skills. The program is suited to those who are committed to further developing their skills and gaining a nationally recognised qualification.  

Diploma of Government Investigations (PSP50416)

Client Specific


Diploma of Government Investigations (PSP50416)

Managing Investigations Program 

The Australian Government Investigations Standards (AGIS) 2011 recommends the minimum qualification for staff primarily engaged in the coordination and supervision of investigations is the PSP50416 Diploma of Government Investigations. This program is designed to build and develop the skills and knowledge required to coordinate multiple investigations, including leading and managing investigative teams, in a government or regulatory compliance environment.   

Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB50420)

Manage and lead in your organisation 

The work of leadership is constantly evolving. Due to the constant changes of the past couple of years, many organisational leaders have stopped speculating over when the pandemic will subside and instead are focusing on operational shifts that will allow them to better cope with future surprises.  More than ever, we need leadership skills. Current and future leaders need to be able to respond and lead through disruption, and change, as well as massive physical, economic, performance and workplace cultural challenges. This will require a shift in thinking; a shift in mindset; a shift in engagement practices; a shift in how to lead people; a shift in performance – a shift in Leadership. This program will help you develop LeaderSHIFT capabilities.  

Diploma of Leadership and Management (BSB50420)


Diploma of Project Management (BSB50820)

Perform the multifaceted role of a modern project manager

Projects are critical components of an organisation’s business strategy, so their success has great influence over organisational performance. This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply project management skills and knowledge. Program participants will be drawn from across a number of industry sectors. Individual learners on the program may manage projects in a variety of contexts, and they will have project leadership and management roles and be responsible for achieving project objectives.   

Diploma of Training Design and Development (TAE50216)


Provide First Aid and CPR (First Aid and CPR)

Client specific - WHAT ABILITY