Certificate IV in Government Investigations NDIS


Certificate IV in Government Investigations

Program Overview

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (The Commission) PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations is current and contemporary to the dynamic and complex environment of modern investigative practice.  

This program is designed to upskill and provide investigators with a deep understanding of their complex work environment. It will allow learners to adapt, understand, and respond to government policy and emerging trends as well as prepare them for changes to their current operating environment.   

The program will also equip investigators with the skills and knowledge to contribute most effectively to joint agency task forces and investigations.  

The program will upskill investigators across key development areas including:  
  • Applying best practice in investigations within the Commonwealth Government investigations framework. 
  • Initiating and planning investigations within the agency using contemporary best practice methodology and strategies. 
  • Conducting investigations within the agency applying applicable powers, processes and procedures.  
  • Working with partner agencies to achieve operational and judicial outcomes. 
  • Applying reflective practice in investigations in a cycle of continuous improvement achieved through reflection, review, quality assurance and feedback. 
  • Finalising investigations including the preparation of briefs of evidence and giving evidence in court.

Program Benefits

The Certificate IV in Government Investigations (PSP40416) will provide investigators in the Commission with the opportunity to:  
  • Examine the operating context in which the agency conducts investigations including the legal and regulatory framework.  
  • Learn and directly apply contemporary investigation skills and concepts within their role.  
  • Strategically explore the linkages between fraudulent behaviour and organised crime.  
  • Directly improve workplace practices through using ‘real world’ examples in activities and assessments.  
  • Develop transferable skills applicable within all government environments.  
  • Share experiences and knowledge with other participants, building key relationships (acknowledging the diversity in skills and experience within the agency).  
  • Enhance their emotional intelligence and strategic thinking skills, applying them to enhance their investigative mindset. 
  • Learn from experienced facilitators who will share their public sector management, law enforcement, and government investigations experience and expertise, and work closely with participants to develop their skills and achieve their qualifications.  
  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification. 


This program has been designed to meet the needs of all investigative areas within the Commission and includes the following fifteen units of competency:

Core Units 

PSPETH002 Uphold and support the values and principles of public service
PSPINV001 Plan and initiate an investigation
PSPINV004 Conduct an investigation
PSPREG012 Gather information through interviews
PSPREG003 Apply regulatory powers
PSPINV003 Finalise an investigation

Elective Units 

BSBWHS211 Contribute to health and safety of self and others
PSPREG004 Promote client compliance
PSPREG005 Assess compliance
PSPREG006 Produce formal record of interview
PSPREG008 Act on non-compliance
PSPREG013 Undertake inspections and monitoring
PSPREG042 Receive and validate data
BSBCRT411 Apply critical thinking to work practices
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Upon successful completion of the program by meeting the assessment requirements for the above competencies, Wisdom Learning will issue participants with a nationally recognised qualification for the PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations.

Skill areas   

This program will develop contemporary investigation capability within the Commission in four key areas: 

Contextual Intelligence 
  • Foundations of government investigations
  • Understanding and applying powers 
  • Developing investigative mindset and thinking critically about investigations 
  • Criminal vs Administrative Investigations 
  • Ethical conduct for investigators
  • Defensible decision making
  • Working with clients

Investigation Planning 
  • Investigations best practice
  • Initiating & Planning investigations
  • Drafting allegations and Elements of an offence
  • Accessing specialist skills
  • Rules of Evidence
  • Procedural fairness
  • Conducting investigations
  • Foundations of investigative interviewing and Interviewing techniques 
  • Interviewing witnesses & Complainant
  • Witness and victim engagement

Conducting an Investigation
  • Situational awareness, looking after yourself and others and Workplace Health and Safety responsibilities in investigations.
  • De-escalation techniques
  • Disclosure
  • Risk identification and management in investigations
  • Exhibit and evidence management
  • Interviewing respondents and producing formal records of interviews

Finalising an Investigation 
  • Finalising investigations
  • Producing investigation recommendations and reports
  • Reviewing your investigation
  • Continuous learning cycle
  • Quality Assurance 
  • Improving client compliance – educate and engage

Program Structure

This program will be facilitated into four blocks and will be delivered in fortnightly digital workshops via MS Teams as well as face-to-face workshops at the beginning and end of the program. Participants will be expected to engage in study and workplace activities in addition to the facilitated workshops to complete the requirements of the qualification.  Assessments will need to be completed during each block – some in workshop time, some in your own time, as negotiated with your supervisor. 

The program takes place over 9 months, and the schedule for the program will be available along with enrolment email or before.

It is critical that learners are available to participate in all elements of the program.


Delivery Model

The Wisdom Way learning model includes:

Digital Workshops: Interactive facilitator led sessions (not e-learning) that enables structured learning of key program content. Digital workshops recreate the face-to-face Wisdom learning experience using a range of facilitation techniques and engagement tools. Digital platforms will also be used to engage participants at regular intervals throughout the program in informal and formal workshops. All digital workshops will be conducted using MS Teams, recorded, and available for learners to review.

Face-to-Face Workshop: Components of the program will be delivered during face-to-face workshops. This will allow participants to undertake activities best suited to face-to-face interaction, including observational assessments and group-work. 

Learning Support Sessions: Facilitator-led sessions throughout the program which can be tailored to the needs of the participants. These sessions can be used to support assessment tasks, clarify information covered during the workshops, introduce topical issues that arise between workshops or engage in discussion with the participants on topics of their choice relating to the program. Break-out rooms will provide an opportunity for participants to engage with a facilitator one on one if required or for small groups who want assistance to engage with the facilitator.

myWisdom: The myWisdom online learning space provides participants with the opportunity to access resources, complete/upload assessment tasks, undertake learning activities, collaborate and reflect throughout the duration of the program. 

Networking & knowledge sharing: Participants in the program will enhance learning through sharing knowledge, experience and resources within and outside the workshops. Participants will be encouraged and supported to network outside of the classroom to augment learning and knowledge sharing and the development of sustainable networks and collaborative professional relationships.

Readings & other resources: Participants will be provided with resources that underpin learning and provide the depth and breadth of the program’s content. Readings and resources will reflect contemporary theories, models, best practice guidelines, and leading practices.

Workplace tasks & activities: Participants will undertake a range of practical tasks and activities relevant to the Commission and their workplace. These tasks and activities will form many of the assessment requirements for the program.



This program includes assessment and learning activities built into all workshops and leaner contributions during workshops will directly impact assessment. This is because direct observation will be one kind of evidence gathered in support of learner competencies. For this reason, non-attendance or partial attendance may require that additional assessment activities be completed in order that competency requirements are met.

Working with others and assisting them as a member of a group is one way of demonstrating some of the required skills and knowledge for this program. We urge you to take opportunities to demonstrate your competency; constructive communication and collaboration is part of what is being assessed in this program.

Participant collaboration

Most assessments in this program will be submitted individually. Where the assessment is to be completed in a group context, detailed instructions on the formation of the group, the number of participants in the group and the roles and responsibilities for group members will be recorded on the assessment task, where necessary, and/or according to the guidelines stipulated by the trainer/assessor.

Assessment of group work and participant collaboration will reflect an appropriate depth and breadth and be typically observed by an assessor and may be accompanied by a signed statement that all members of the group contributed to the completion of the assessment.

Learning resources

Wisdom will provide a range of learning resources for use during and between of the workshops. Resources typically include, but are not limited to:
  • Pre-enrolment and commencement resources/materials and support as required.
  • Online information on program requirements, assessment guidelines, program schedule, appeals and complaints procedure and learning outcomes.
  • Access to myWisdom: Wisdom’s online learning portal for assessments, digital resources, copies of PowerPoint presentations, links to relevant websites, and workplace tools and templates.
  • Availability of trainers to work one on one to identify additional learning needs and the provision of additional resources and/or activities to supplement learning.
  • Access to units of competency assessed in the course.
  • In class assessment and learning support materials.
  • Extra readings and resources from relevant publications and program fact sheets.
  • Self-assessment and observation tools.

What assessments are required in this program?

This program will involve a range of assessment methods and approaches in response to your individual and organisational learning requirements, involving core assessments as part of the relevant units of competency; additional tasks and exercises. During this program you will undertake assessment of some Units of Competency individually, and some will be clustered.

Your facilitators will provide you with detailed individual assessment tasks throughout the program. These tasks will contain detailed instructions and information on the assessment process and the range and conditions of the assessment.  
While this process can evolve in response to your achievements, assessment requirements will be transparent, and participants will be guided through activities in a manner that upholds the normal principles of assessment and evidence rules.

Due dates will be determined in a transparent, supportive manner to ensure you are given the opportunity to complete the program work in the best possible and most constructive learning setting.

Program facilitators

Your primary facilitator for this program is Rob Gilder. From time to time, other Wisdom facilitators may deliver or co-deliver sessions, depending on the specific requirements of the content.

As your primary facilitator, Rob’s role is to help learners succeed. Please feel free to contact him at any time through the Wisdom office at 6257 8588 or email service@wisdomlearning.com.au

Upcoming Programs

Name Course Start Date Course End Date
NDIS Commission Certificate IV in Government Investigations PSP40416 - Cohort 2 17/09/2024 04/06/2025