Certificate IV in Leadership and Management OFM


Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

Program Overview

This program is aligned to the nationally recognised course BSB40520 - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management. This program is suitable for personnels working in either operational or administrative roles along with technical specialists including finance and legal roles. This program is designed to prepare individuals who are beginning to take on leadership and management responsibilities within various business and industry settings. 

In addition to managing their own performance, individuals at this level are expected to offer leadership, direction, and assistance to others, oversee and supervise team activities to some extent. They are adept at resolving a range of expected and unexpected issues and can assess information from diverse sources for analysis and evaluation. 

Program Benefits

Learning outcomes will include learners being able to:  

  • Describe attributes of leadership, with a particular focus on leadership in the context of operational frontline roles in TCCS & EPSDD 
  • Identify approaches to managing workloads, including for remote teams, for more efficient service delivery  
  • Apply different decision-making techniques relevant to TCCS & EPSDD operations  
  • Describe different styles of thinking and how they might affect team members’ approaches to workplace interactions  
  • Explain and guide others on issues associated with diversity and inclusion affecting TCCS & EPSDD operations  
  • Identify factors contributing to enhanced personal resilience and apply related techniques  
  • Show techniques for developing others  
  • Assess workplace safety issues relevant to TCCS & EPSDD 
  • Devise approaches to addressing TCCS & EPSDD workplace safety issues  
  • Implement techniques for robust workplace conversations   
  • Discuss opportunities to improve TCCS & EPSDD work practices, involving other TCCS staff where appropriate  

Program structure  

The program duration of the course is 9 months, and the course will be structured around eleven face-to-face half-day workshops. Key features include:  

Pre-program engagement with facilitators to provide initial support and encouragement to learners  

Initial induction session to familiarise learners with the learning environment and to reduce apprehensions about the program  

A sequential approach to addressing issues relevant to TCCS & EPSDD leadership and management with the following themes:  

  • Getting the job done  
  • Building the best team  
  • Doing the job the right way  
  • Making things better  

These themes will be set against a background of TCCS’ Values:  

  • Respect  
  • Innovation  
  • Integrity  
  • Excellence  
  • Safety  
  • Collaboration  

Delivery model  

The OFM Program will apply accelerated learning techniques using the Wisdom Way Learning Model, represented in the diagram below:

The Wisdom Way learning model includes:  ​

Digital Workshops: Interactive facilitator led sessions (not e-learning) that enables structured learning of key program content. Digital workshops recreate the face-to-face Wisdom learning experience using a range of facilitation techniques and engagement tools. Digital platforms will also be used to engage participants at regular intervals throughout the program in informal and formal workshops. All digital workshops will be conducted using MS Teams.  
Learning Support Sessions: Facilitator led sessions throughout the program which can be tailored to the needs of the participants. These sessions can be used to support assessment tasks, clarify information covered during the workshops, introduce topical issues that arise between workshops or engage in discussion with the participants on topics of their choice relating to the program. Break-out rooms will provide an opportunity for participants to engage with a facilitator one on one if required or for small groups who want assistance to engage with the facilitator.  
myWisdom: The myWisdom online learning space provides participants with the opportunity to access resources, complete/upload assessment tasks, undertake learning activities, collaborate, and reflect throughout the duration of the program.  
Networking & knowledge sharing: Participants in the program will enhance learning through sharing knowledge, experience, and resources within and outside the workshops. Participants will be encouraged and supported to network outside of the classroom to augment learning and knowledge sharing and the development of sustainable networks and collaborative professional relationships.  
Readings & other resources: Participants will be provided with resources that underpin learning and provide the depth and breadth of the program’s content. Readings and resources will reflect contemporary theories, models, best practice guidelines and leading practice.  
Workplace tasks & activities: Participants will undertake a range of practical tasks and activities relevant to the TCCS & EPSDD and their own workplace. These tasks and activities will form many of the assessment requirements for the program.  


This program includes assessment and learning activities built into all workshops and your contributions during workshops will directly impact on your assessment. This is because direct observation will be one kind of evidence gathered in support of your competencies. For this reason, non-attendance or partial attendance, may require that additional assessment activities be completed in order that competency requirements are met.  

Working with others and assisting them as a member of a group is one way of demonstrating some of the required skills and knowledge for this program. We urge you to take opportunities to demonstrate your competency; constructive communication and collaboration is part of what is being assessed in this program.

Participant collaboration

Most assessments in this program will be submitted individually. Where the assessment is to be completed in a group context, detailed instructions on the formation of the group, the number of participants in the group and the roles and responsibilities for group members will be recorded on the assessment task, where necessary, and/or according to the guidelines stipulated by the trainer/assessor.  

Assessment of group work and participant collaboration will reflect an appropriate depth and breadth and be typically observed by an assessor and may be accompanied by a signed statement that all members of the group contributed to completion of the assessment.  

Learning resources  

Wisdom will provide a range of learning resources for use during and between of the workshops. Resources typically include, but are not limited to:  

  • Pre-enrolment and commencement resources/materials and support as required  
  • Online information on program requirements, assessment guidelines, program schedule, appeals and complaints procedure and learning outcomes  
  • Access to myWisdom: Wisdom’s online learning portal for assessments, digital resources, copies of PowerPoint presentations, links to relevant websites, and workplace tools and templates  
  • Availability of trainers to work one on one to identify additional learning needs and the provision of additional resources and/or activities to supplement learning  
  • Access to units of competency assessed in the course  
  • In class assessment and learning support materials  
  • Extra readings and resources from relevant publications and program fact sheets  
  • Self-assessment and observation tools.  


Assessment activities for Operational Frontline Management Capability will be predominately formative (takes place during the program) with a small number of summative (completed at set points during the program). Where practicable, a holistic approach (where tasks are aligned to a number of units of competency) will be adopted. Direct observation of participants by facilitators, including oral responses to questions, discussions, and group work, will provide evidence for competency thus reducing (but not completely removing) the need for participants to upload or otherwise submit assessment material.    

All participants will be assessed using competency-based assessment methodology and provided with opportunities to engage facilitators at any time (for example, outside of formal sessions) to seek assistance with assessment tasks.  Should a participant not meet the required standard, they will be provided with additional support and assistance to re-submit their work.  


The qualification is comprised of the following twelve units of competency:


BSBXCM401 - Apply communication strategies in the workplace  
BSBOPS402 - Coordinate business operational plans  
BSBLDR413 - Lead effective workplace relationships   
BSBLDR411 - Demonstrate leadership in the workplace   
BSBXTW401- Lead and facilitate a team   


BSBAUD412 - Work within compliance frameworks  
BSBPEF402 - Develop personal work priorities  
BSBLDR414 - Lead team effectiveness  
BSBLDR521 - Lead the development of diverse workforces  
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement  
BSBWHS411 - Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and program.  
BSBCMM412 - Lead difficult conversations  

Upon successful completion of the program by meeting the assessment requirements for above competencies, Wisdom Learning will issue participants with a nationally recognised qualification for the BSB40520 - Certificate IV in Leadership and Management. 

Please feel free to contact the Wisdom office on 6257 8588 if you require any further information.


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